The City is updating our Community Sustainability Plan, and we want input from residents to do so. This fall, City staff will host two series of workshops, in which residents will provide and discuss ideas on how to plan the future of Hyattsville. Simultaneously, residents are invited to use the City's new online community engagement portal, Speak Up HVL, to share and discuss ideas. 

We hope you'll Speak Up and participate in the meetings and/or online. When you do, please also share your ideas on Facebook and invite friends to join the discussion. 

A first series of workshops - Community Visions - were held in September 2016.

The second series of workshops - Community Choices - will take place on the dates below. Both meetings will be the same, so there is no need to attend multiple meetings. 

  • Tuesday, November 1, 2016, Doors Open at 6:30 PM, Session Starts at 7:00 PM @ Felegy Elementary School, 6110 Editors Park Drive
  • Saturday, November 5, 2016, Doors Open at 9:30 AM, Session Starts at 10:00 AM @ City Municipal Building, 4310 Gallatin Street



Proyecto: 2016 Actualización del Plan de Sostenibilidad para la Comunidad

La ciudad está actualizando el Plan de Sostenibilidad para la Comunidad y queremos el aporte de los residentes para hacerlo. Este otoño, personal de la ciudad alojara dos series de talleres donde los residentes pueden conceder y discutir ideas sobre cómo planificar para el futuro de Hyattsville. Simultáneamente, los residentes están invitados a utilizar el nuevo portal de participación de la comunidad, Speak Up HVL, para compartir y discutir ideas.

Esperamos que usted hablará y participará en las reuniones y / o en línea. Cuando lo haga, por favor, también comparte sus ideas en Facebook e invite a sus amigos a unirse a la discusión.

La primera serie de talleres – Visiones de la Comunidad - se llevo a cabo en Septiembre 2016.

La segunda serie de talleres - Decisiones de la Comunidad - se llevará a cabo en las fechas a continuación. Ambas reuniones serán iguales, así que no hay necesidad de asistir a los dos reuniones.

<!-- [if !supportLists]-->·         <!--[endif]-->Martes, 1 de Noviembre, 2016, Puertas se abrirán a las 6:30 PM, La sesión empieza a las 7:00 PM @ Felegy Elementary School, 6110 Editors Park Drive

<!-- [if !supportLists]-->·         <!--[endif]-->Sábado, 5 de Noviembre, 2016, Puertas se abrirán a las 9:30 AM, La sesión empieza a las 10:00 AM @ Edificio Municipal, 4310 Gallatin Street

Nine members of the Hyattsville City Council have submitted legislation proposing that the City adopt an ordinance to designate Hyattsville as a Sanctuary City. There is no single definition of a Sanctuary City, but typically Sanctuary Cities are those that do not participate in immigration enforcement. 

A Public Hearing will be held to provide the community an opportunity to get information, ask questions, and give public comments related to this issue. The hearing is scheduled for March 1, 7:30 p.m., at 4310 Gallatin Street. 

An initial Council discussion on the proposed Ordinance is tentatively scheduled for the Council Meeting on March 20 at 8 p.m. It is anticipated that the Council will take action on the Ordinance in April.

Each November, Maryland's cities and towns celebrate Municipal Government Works Month to promote resident awareness of and interest in the day-to-day functions of their local government. Hyattsville is taking this opportunity to show you a behind the scenes (BTS) look at what we do for our residents: from legislative initiatives to trash removal and street maintenance and City-wide events and celebrations.

Please participate in the "Get to Know Your Councilmembers" Forums featured on this project to engage with your Councilmembers and the residents within your Wards.   

BONUS: Each week during MGW Month, we will be featuring a municipal department under the "Employee Spotlight." Follow our social media platforms for the BTS look!

Please share your own experiences with your Municipal Government with the hashtag #MGWMonth and tag the City of Hyattsville. Follow us here: 

Facebook: @cityofhyattsville

Instagram: @cityofhyattsville

Twitter: @HyattsvilleMD



The City held two Community Budget Workshops in November designed to encourage greater public involvement and allow the Council an opportunity to hear from residents before discussing their FY-2019 budget priorities.

The workshops provided an overview of the budget and process, as well as a review of the 2017 Speak Up HVL: Community Sustainability Plan Meetings. Residents were asked to prioritize near and mid-term initiatives from the Sustainability Plan, and had the opportunity to provide additional budget initiatives outside of the plan.  

For those that were unable to attend the meetings in person, the City has designed the Community Budget Priorities Survey. The survey allows residents to select up to three budget priorities from the initiatives discussed at the workshops. 

Additional budget initiatives may be posted and voted on in the Community Budget Priorities Forum

Electronic copies of the Community Budget Workshop Presentation and Speak Up HVL: 2017 - 2021 Community Sustainability Plan are attached to this project for your reference.

The Council will discuss their budget priorities during meetings on December 11 and January 17. The survey and forum will be open until January 10.

If you have additional feedback on the FY-2019 budget, please contact the City at (301) 985-5000 or email 



The City is planning to beautify a section of Hyatt Park, turning it into a community gathering space. The City has been working with the Neighborhood Design Center (NDC) to develop concepts for the Park.


Project Timeline:


Community Meeting - Workshop

January 9, 2018, 7:00 PM @ 3505 Hamilton Street 


Hyatt Park Wishlist Forum - CLOSED

January 9 - January 25, 2018


City Council Meeting - Presentation 

February 20, 2018, 8:00 PM @ City Municipal Building, 3rd Floor Council Chambers 


Hyatt Park Concept Forum - CLOSED

February 20 - March 2, 2018 


Health, Wellness, and Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting - Presentation 

February 22, 2018, 7:00 PM @ City Municipal Building, 3rd Floor Conference Room 


Hyattsville Environment Committee Meeting - Presentation

February 26, 2018, 7:00 PM @ City Municipal Building, 2nd Floor Prangley Room 


Planning Committee Meeting - Presentation

February 27, 2018, 7:30 PM @ City Municipal Building, 2nd Floor Prangley Room 


City Council Meeting - Discussion  

April 18, 2018, 8:00 PM @ City Municipal Building, 3rd Floor Council Chambers 


Hyatt Park Revised Concept Forum

April 18 - April 30, 2018

The City is creating a new vision for Magruder Park. During the summer and fall of 2018, a team of consultants will interview Hyattsville residents and park users, convene focus groups, and host visioning sessions to learn what the community wants the future of Magruder Park to look like.

The City’s consultant team, which includes The Neighborhood Design Center (NDC), Bradley Site Design, and Rivera Group, will soon share a park map to reflect what we hear when talking to the community. You’ll be able to comment on that here, as well as comment on design ideas – so stay tuned for updates.

How to Get Involved:

The process has kicked off with team members conducting surveys in the park. We hope you can stop by, say hello, and give us your thoughts! Or if you prefer, take the survey here and let us know how you use Magruder Park!

You can also come out and speak up at each step of this exciting process! Please note that all comments submitted in the “What’s on Your Wishlist for Magruder Park?” Speak Up, HVL! Discussion will be included as we collect your feedback. See the below meetings for details. 


Project Timeline 

Magruder Park Reimagination Survey 

August 9 – October 1

Community Meeting – Listening Session (Spanish)

August 21, 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. @ Magruder Park Recreation Center (3911 Hamilton)

Community Meeting – Listening Session (English and Spanish)

August 23, 6:30 PM – 7:30 p.m. @ Magruder Park Recreation Center (3911 Hamilton)

Community Meeting – Listening Session (English and Spanish)

August 25, 11:00 a.m. – 12 p.m. @ Magruder Park Recreation Center (3911 Hamilton)

Community Meeting – Visioning Session (English and Spanish)


September 26, 5:45 p.m. – 8 p.m. @ Magruder Park Recreation Center (3911 Hamilton)


La Ciudad está rediseñando el Parque Magruder. Durante el verano y otoño del 2018, un grupo de consultantes entrevistarán a residentes de la Ciudad y visitantes frecuentes del parque, reunirán grupos de enfoque y sostendrán sesiones públicas donde habrá oportunidades de hablar sobre cómo la comunidad se imagina el Parque Magruder en el futuro cercano.

Después, el grupo de consultantes de la Ciudad, que incluye el Neighborhood Design Center (NDC), Bradley Site Design y Rivera Group compartirán un mapa del parque que reflejara ideas que la Ciudad reunió cuando escuchamos la comunidad. También habrá oportunidades de dar sus ideas y opiniones en esta sesión. Manténgase el tanto para más información.

Como involucrarse:

El proceso ha empezado con miembros de nuestro grupo conduciendo encuestas en el Parque Magruder. ¡Esperamos poder verlo/a para que nos de algunas ideas y opiniones que tenga! También, si prefiere, tóme la encuesta aquí y díganos si visita el Parque Magruder y para que lo usa.

¡Deje que se escuche su voz en cada paso del proceso! También le informamos que comentarios coleccionados en la conversación de Speak Up, HVL! “What’s on Your Wishlist for Magruder Park?” serán considerados durante este proceso. Abajo están las fechas de cada sesión.


Encuesta Sobre la Reimaginación de Parque Magruder

Del 9 de agosto al 1 de octubre

Sesión Comunitaria (en español)

21 de agosto, 6:30 – 7:30 p.m., en el Centro Recreacional del Parque Magruder (3911 Calle Hamilton)

Sesión Comunitaria (en inglés con traducción en español)

23 de agosto, 6:30 – 7:30 p.m., en el Centro Recreacional del Parque Magruder (3911 Calle Hamilton)

Sesión Comunitaria (en inglés con traducción en español)

25 de agosto, 11 a.m. – 12 p.m., en el Centro Recreacional del Parque Magruder (3911 Calle Hamilton)

Sesión Sobre el Rediseño de Parque Magruder (en inglés con traducción en español) (REPROGRAMADA PARA EL 26 DE SEPTIEMBRE)

26 de septiembre, 5:45 p.m. – 8 p.m., en el Centro Recreacional del Parque Magruder (3911 Calle Hamilton)

The City of Hyattsville has launched a study to develop the Hyattsville Transportation Plan. This plan will help the City improve existing transportation infrastructure, carry out new projects, and determine priorities for the next 20 years. The planning process should be complete in summer 2018. 

In Fall 2018, the City hosted several public meetings to gather feedback from residents on where Hyattsville is experiencing transportation related issues. We also created a Wikimap, and asked residents like yourself to pinpoint areas in need of improvement. Throughout the first few months of 2018, the City was working to analyze all of the data and come up with a menu of recommendations that could potentially be implemented to improve getting around in Hyattsville. A draft of the plan recommendations will be available in May 2018. The final report is anticipated to be complete in July/August 2018. 

For more information, please contact Project Manager Hal Metzler at

The City is creating a new vision for Magruder Park. During the summer and fall of 2018, a team of consultants interviewed Hyattsville residents and park users, convened focus groups, and hosted visioning sessions to learn what the community wants the future of Magruder Park to look like.


The City’s consultant team, which includes The Neighborhood Design Center (NDC), Bradley Site Design, and Rivera Group have taken community feedback and created two design concepts for a reimagination of Magruder Park.


Get Involved: Join us for a Listening Session to share feedback on the final concepts on Thursday, February 7, 6 - 8 p.m., at the City Building (4310 Gallatin Street). Can't make the meeting? No problem! Please review the attached final concept proposals for reimagining Magruder Park, as well as the current layout of the park. Then, take our survey and let us know which design you prefer and why.


We will accept feedback through the end of February. Be sure to speak up before February 28!