
Cell lines have been used as excellent in vitro models for research of neural process, drug discovery, and toxicity screening testing due to their many advantages:

neural cell lines originated from a single ancestor cell provide a homogeneous population of neurons; they have the capability of long-term growth and ease to cultivate; they provide unlimited materials for the development of in vitro models; they can grow and differentiate into neuron-like cells or tissues by controlling culture conditions; they are more easily transfected compared to primary neurons. The in vitro neural models induced from neural cell lines have been shown to express neuronal markers and possess the functions of mammalian neurons in vivo, such as possessing axons and dendrites as well as electrical excitability.

cailynn johnson 6 months ago

Like all primary cells, primary neurons are directly isolated from human or animal nerve tissue, avoiding selective pressures and genetic drift during cell line replication. Therefore, primary neurons maintain the characteristics of their original tissues, making them an important in vitro model system for the biology and physiology study of neuroscience.


ACH-4771 is a small Factor D inhibitor that blocks the catalytic side of Factor D. In presence of inactive Factor D, the alternative pathway convertase C3bBb is not formed and complement activation does not proceed. The other inhibitor LPN023, binds to the active site of Factor B and thus inhibits the alternative pathway C3 convertase and blocks C3 cleavage. Based on the different action sites of the inhibitor, it will be of interest to see which compound or which targeted pathway is most effective and which subform responds or benefits from which inhibitor. Besides, monoclonal antibody (mAb) was also designed by scientists to bind C3b, thereby preventing the formation of the C3 convertase.


The complement activity test allows for the determination of whether the protein is present and whether it has normal functional activity. In general, the measurement of the function or activity of complement in serum or plasma can be divided into three main categories: a) total complement function or activity test; b) individual components activity test; c) complement activation products test, including split products and protein complexes.


Phosphatidylserine (PS) and phosphatidylglycerol (PG) are anionic molecules that form liposomes with negative zeta potential. The zeta potential liposomes depending on the molar percentage of the negatively charged lipids in the liposome formulation.


This formulation of doxorubicin liposome is PEGylated, which is only for research purposes and injection into laboratory animals. Doxorubicin drug is encapsulated into the liposome using remote loading by ammonium sulfate gradient. The formulation is ready for injection.


As a leader in the field of liposome development, we are making high-end liposomal products for our customers. In addition, Creative Biolabs also can offer liposomes custom services to design and produce ideal liposomal products per your request. Our state-of-the-art equipment can develop distinctive liposomal formulations and products and can guarantee liposomes retain their quality and efficacy during storage.


Cardiolipin is an acidic lipoprotein that is abundant in the inner mitochondrial membrane and is required for normal respiratory chain enzyme activity. It is the only known dimeric phospholipid, and its unique structure plays a major role in maintaining the function of membrane-associated proteins in the mitochondria. Learn more about cardiolipin structure

Creative Biolabs combines deep, industry-leading expertise with an innovative Macrophage Therapeutics Development Platform to provide high-quality human/murine macrophage isolation and culture services. These isolated macrophages can be examined in vitro for their roles in phagocytosis, cytokine and mediator production, and other biological functions. Learn more: macrophage culture

Many factors should be considered when the immunogen is designed, such as length, molecular weight, secondary structure, purity, hydrophobicity, amino acids. Based on the following four major criteria, Creative Biolabs provides a full range of Immunogen Design services for hybridoma development.