• Here-Are-Some-Common-Hazards-A-Car-Might-Have-To-Deal-With-On-The-Road

    Driving is more of a skill that evolves over time, especially when you hit the road constantly. So this means you have to practise to sharpen your skills, even if you are a novice. But the road is not a piece of cake because it puts a lot of challenges in front of a driver. However, proper awareness becomes extremely necessary to deal with challenges on the road.

    The road challenge, also known as a hazard, is something that can catch you off guard and force you to slow down. The hazards might be environmental, physical. Let’s understand these challenges, respectively.

    Wet roads due to heavy rain


    Rain is a natural phenomenon, and no one can deny it. You cannot, similarly, avoid driving. However, driving a vehicle in the rain would always be a problem.

    In wet conditions, vehicles tend to slip a bit more. Though, if you find yourself driving in a heavy rain, it is necessary to reduce the speed by a fair margin and avoid tailgating the vehicles at front. Besides, make sure that your vehicle is intact in terms of brakes, tires, lights, etc. In rain, wipers become so essential that they should work properly.

    You should come to Service My Car for the assurance of your car's fitness so that you can deal with challenges in the rainy conditions.

    Glare due to direct sunlight


    On a bright sunny day, the sun moves as per its speed in a predetermined direction. However, many of us might find it shining directly in front of us, and sunshine may blind you through the windscreen. However, a pair of sunglasses would be helpful to deal with such a situation. Most cars come with a sun visor just in front of the driver's head. You can use it to block the sun's rays, but it must settle in such a way that it does not obstruct your vision on the road.

    So just point the bottom of the sun visor towards the windscreen a bit. If the sun is bothering you through a window, the vision can be moved in a specific direction because they are detachable on one end.

    Driving on icy roads

    When a car runs on a road, there is enough friction, but this is not the case on icy roads. These roads pose a serious challenge in terms of driving. In such conditions, there should be enough distance between vehicles.

    Driving in low visibility fog

    Fog comes with a unique challenge. There would be low visibility, and driving would not be easy in such a condition.

    Usually, many drivers prefer to use the high beams in fog so that they can illuminate better and sharper. However, the high beam may shine further and cause more fog to reflect. When there is more reflection, there is less visibility. Therefore, it is better to use dim light instead.

    Encountering a tyre blowout


    Unless they pick up any nails or sharp objects, tyres provide us with a worry-free ride. However, there would be two scenarios. In one situation, a tyre may lose pressure slowly, while another may force it to lose pressure instantly.

    However, a slow inflating tyre is not a threat, but a sudden blast may put you in danger. During a sudden blast, drivers often hit the brakes instinctively. However, a tyre blast might be quite dangerous for a vehicle on the road. Therefore, you should focus on how to deal with the vehicle in case of an emergency.

    It requires you to keep your vehicle moving in a straight line unless you are able to stop. If your car skids or moves in a specific direction, simply press your pedal harder to maintain acceleration. You can search for a Ferrari service near me on the web to opt for Ferrari repair and service in Dubai at a very reasonable price.

    Besides, you should check your car’s tyres frequently and always maintain a proper air pressure. There should be proper wheel alignment. Get in touch with Service My Car for any tyre care.

    Managing a brake failure


    Nobody can deny the significance of proper brakes. If you can accelerate a vehicle, it needs to stop. But brake failure is a major concern. There might be problems with brake components, which usually people ignore.

    In most cases, the brake unit will begin to sound if there is a problem. It might be a lack of efficiency in the braking once you press the pedal. Sometimes, there might be some kind of sound, especially when applying the brakes.

    However, our primary concern is dealing with a brake failure. In the event of brake failure, you should follow these courses of action. First and foremost, use the hazard lights or press the brake pedal several times to inform others of a problem by flashing emergency lights.

    Next, try to put your vehicle in neutral and use the emergency brakes. You should refer to the owner’s manual of your car to learn about the emergency brakes They definitely work by slowing down the rear wheels. If you are unfamiliar with emergency brakes, always try to shift into lower gears gradually as your vehicle speeds down before taking a safe passage.

    Besides, it is best to prevent such problems by taking proper steps on time. Service My car definitely helps keep your car’s brakes intact. Get brake pads replacement or any other repair at very low prices.

    You can utilise car maintenance through Service My Car to mitigate most of these hazards. But it requires booking a car service or ordering a car repair quote online on our website or app.

  • Why-Should-You-Worry-About-Low-Brake-Fluid-Explained

    Automobiles do prefer liquids, not for hydration but mostly for lubrication. Apart from fuel or coolant, there is always a need for lubrication in every nook and corner. Brakes also need essential fluids.

    It majorly transfers the pressure and helps in slowing down the vehicle that a pedal generates when a driver presses it. However, brake fluid is critical for a car, and it is impossible to stop a car if brake fluids go down.

    The scarcity of brake fluid may be dangerous, especially when your car is in driving mode. However, it would be hard to imagine a vehicle without brakes, or more specifically, fluid.

    How do you feel about running out of brake fluid in your car?


    Though vehicles cannot converse, they still possess the capacity to tell about the problems. Look at these intimations that tell you about problems with brake fluids.

    1. A brake light warning illuminates on your car’s dashboard

    Warning lights on a car’s dashboard send strong signals to existing problems. Though a brake light might illuminate for any reason, not necessarily for the emergency of brake fluid, but if it comes on, just consult with a professional.

    2. The pedal does not work properly

    erly, and it goes down too easily when you just put your foot on it. However, it happens due to cUsually, when brake fluid is low, a car’s brake pedal does not work propontaminated fluid and a lack of air in the brake unit.

    3. Spots of fluid near wheels

    Brake fluid leaks usually create spots around the wheels. If you find these spots consistently, never delay visiting the nearest Service My Car workshop.

    Brake fluid does not require frequent replacement unless it goes low in quantity and quality. But, how do you conclude that your vehicle’s brake fluid is going to be low? However, if you find oil spots under your car regularly, dig deep for a better conclusion.

    The colour of the fluid and where it appears definitely help you make a decision about identifying the brake fluid.

    Most frequently, brake fluid is clear to brown in colour and slightly yellow. Additionally, it has a smooth viscosity. You will probably find a puddle that fits this description close to one of your car's wheels if you have a brake fluid leak.

    Keeping the importance of brakes in mind, there is no point in putting yourself at risk. Once you notice any sign of low brake fluid or any hesitation while braking, avail yourself of the services of Service My Car, and also get other services like:- car tinting, car sanitization, and car recovery service etc.

    What makes a car’s brake fluid go low?


    Unlike other automobile fluids, the brake fluid shows a tendency to absorb water. It is also limited in quantity. Besides, leakage is always behind low brake fluid quantities. Leakage often happens due to damaged parts, specifically the worn reservoir.

    However, brake fluid must be replaced every two years due to contamination and loss of efficacy during braking.

    Besides, the worn brake pads are known to be a major reason behind the low brake fluid. Worn pads may require more from the brake fluids, and their capacity may be reduced due to extensive usage.

    However, identifying worn brake pads is simple because there is insufficient pressure after pressing the pedal. Therefore, opting for the brake pad replacement is the better choice, and Service My Car is definitely going to help you make yourself more secure, And you can also search for a Land Rover specialist near me on the web, to opt for Land Rover repair Manchester at a very reasonable price.

    Is there any problem if you drive with low brake fluid?


    Low brake fluid might end up resulting in a failure. However, it does not occur to you that you are experiencing any troubling symptoms. Failed brakes are something a driver would not prefer in their dreams either. Though you can control a vehicle in such an extreme condition, it is better to prevent such a problem.

    In case of brake failure, you should take care of your and others' safety. You should inform other vehicles about the brake failure by pressing the brake to highlight the rear lights. On the other hand, you can use the hazard lights.

    Gradually apply the parking brakes while lowering the RPMs by shifting transmission. Once your vehicle slows down enough, try to move it off the road and run into some rough terrain or grass. Also, turn off the engine so that external friction can assist the tyres in slowing down and eventually stopping.

    Is it possible to add brake fluid on your own?


    Refilling brake fluid is an expert’s job, as there are a number of risks associated. Not many of us possess those technical skills either. But what can you do? Check out the brake fluid level to determine the actual level.

    The level definitely helps you in determining the need for brake fluid. If the brake fluid level falls below the minimum, a top-up or complete refill is required.

    You should come to Service My Car for an expert service. Here you will get a professional solution for your car's brake needs. However, booking a car service or ordering a car repair order on our website and app is easy now.