Nine members of the Hyattsville City Council have submitted legislation proposing that the City adopt an ordinance to designate Hyattsville as a Sanctuary City. There is no single definition of a Sanctuary City, but typically Sanctuary Cities are those that do not participate in immigration enforcement. 

A Public Hearing will be held to provide the community an opportunity to get information, ask questions, and give public comments related to this issue. The hearing is scheduled for March 1, 7:30 p.m., at 4310 Gallatin Street. 

An initial Council discussion on the proposed Ordinance is tentatively scheduled for the Council Meeting on March 20 at 8 p.m. It is anticipated that the Council will take action on the Ordinance in April.

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Please note that surveys are for informational purposes and are not meant to serve as scientific measurements of public opinion.

To make a comment on the Sancutary City proposal for the official record please email or join us at a Council Meeting for public comment. Public Comment is encouraged and held at approximately 8:10 p.m. every Council Meeting. For upcoming Council agendas, please visit